web comics (5)

 for this week I read Meg and Mogg. right away i was struck by the strong, unique visuals. The imagery was extremely trippy, utilizing a lot of strange colors and nonsensical perspective. but these patterns and colors are not used in a way that's necessarily confusing. I could see and tell what I was seeing, the narrative of the image didn't translate, but I knew who was where in space. it gave the vibes of a music poster. Moving into the comic itself, it was clear this trippy imagery was designed to be trippy imagery, as we see the characters smoking weed in the first page. I really love this style. The patterns and look of it is extremely expressive. It reminds me of the work of Pendleton Ward. not only in an adventure time kind of way, it's actually a lot closer than that. I've seen original artwork by Ward and it looks a lot like this. like extremely similar, like the only difference is he colors his with markers. The character designs also support this tryppy feeling, with the cast being made up of a stoner witch, a sesame street style owl bird, a talking cat, and other strange characters. The comics connection to drug use goes more than just the art however, it also goes into the writing. the characters are always high and doing drugs. but more than that, the stories told through the comic are very mundane narratives, there's not much at stake and they just seem to be these very casual character pieces. it's just characters doing things, with very simple goals like, wanting a clean house, or trying to shave. there's a very laid back feeling to the comic because of this. The comic because of this has a very regular show kind of feel, where there's not much message in each story it's just people doing things. I will also say the characters have a good dynamic with one another, they all play off and contrast one another in a way that is very good for making stories. I do find it kind of odd because in almost all of these I kinda see all the characters as being in the wrong, they all do things which are irrational or mean to the others and that's where the conflict of each mini story comes from.


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