graphiv novels (6)

This week i read "fun home" it was an extremely powerful story with some very moving story telling elements in it. The story is simply an autobiography of Alison Bechde's childhood and early young adult life. She talks a lot about her life in regards to her father, mother, her sexuality, and her personality and how they all mesh and tangle with one another. one element I found interesting was how many things seemed very narratively appropriate in her life. though that probably has to do with the fact that the reason people do these things in narratives is because that's how they shape out in real life. for example; how the father was so focused on image. He was much more concerned about the look of their house and the furniture within more than the emotional state of the people inside. and how in many cases he would sacrifice their well being to ensure the image of stability was maintained. This paradoxical nature is common in people who are full of self loathing and feel out of control in life. her father was gay, but could not express it in any healthy ways, as a result many emotions where pushed to the way side and he attempted to unintentionally put this mentality into his children through beatings and controlling what their wear. She does a good job of not only pointing out these aspects from her life, but also talking about and addressing them. She has a very good idea of how to describe and package these ideas in order to get the points across with the reader. I mean hell I connected with it and I lived in a house where the biggest drama was my parents got divorced and have lived happily ever since with little hard feelings.


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